16 Minutes to find 1 Rep Max Power Snatch

Every minute on the minute for 12 minutes:
Alternate Between:
6 Power Snatches (50-60% of 1 Rep Max Snatch from today)
10 Burpees
60 Second Plank Hold

We are going to start the day with 16 minutes on the clock to find today’s max effort Power Snatch. Remember that good start position, use those hips and shrug to get the bar up overhead, catch it locked out, and be sure to catch that barbell anywhere above parallel. Group up and share a barbell, plates, and loading/unloading duties. You should each have enough rest in between lifts and you have an automatic cheering section as well!

Then we are going to group up again, in groups of 3, by similar power snatch weights. We are looking to use 50-60% of your max effort today. Anywhere in that range today is just fine. Within your group you will each alternate between 6 power snatches, 10 burpees, and a 60 second plank hold. 3 movements, 12 minutes means you will be doing each movement 4 times. You likely won’t have a ton of rest. You will hopefully have 20-30 seconds rest after the power snatch, 10-20 seconds after the burpees, and plank IS your rest position today!

People can group up for the power snatch portion to save on equipment and space. People can help load/change plates and rest while others lift. For the workout, have 3 people group up by similar weights so they can share a barbell. Anywhere from 50-60% of today’s max effort is fine. The groups of 3 can alternate between the 3 movements to save equipment and space. Score is max effort power snatch.

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