Clean & Jerk

3 Rounds
100 Double Unders
7 Hang Power Clean & Jerks (medium heavy – 135/95)

We’ll start by working on our clean & jerks today. Those first 3 sets should be warm ups, the last 5 are your working sets. The goal is not to get a new personal record, but to practice excellent form under load. This is a great time to fix minor errors so that the next time we do go for a max effort you are fully prepared.

Then we are going to tackle a workout from the Master’s division a few years ago. (Master’s Games athletes were doing this workout in about 6 minutes.) We are going to have a 10 minute time cap. Scale double unders or a modification to spend about 90 seconds on the jump rope. Should be able to do the first set of 7 hang power clean & jerks unbroken.

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