
Deadlift + Hang Power Clean + Front Squat + Full Clean

5 Pull Ups
7 Box Jumps
Double Unders

We are working on cleans this month! So today we are going to break it all down and then out it all back together to ensure we’ve got each piece of that full clean down.

We’ll start with the deadlift, then from that hang position we’ll use those hips and get the bar up to the front rack position with a power clean.  From there we will front squat the weight, and then we’ll out the bar back down to the ground and full clean the weight – putting all those small pieces together in one quick and powerful movement.

Our workout today will follow the pattern from the last few Fridays. We are working on increasing our work capacity and shortening our recovery time. Those 2 pieces together make for a very powerful athlete.

We’ll use the same rep scheme for the movements as last week and add 2 more minutes to the workout. Rest for a minute and then work on double unders while tired. Many people have been making really great double under progress these last few weeks – great job!

100 Days of Fitness
Day 100 Challenge
Share your successes over the last 100 days! = 5 points
Congrats – you made it 100 Days! Share before and after pictures, tell us about your successes and things you’ve learned. Whether you stuck to is a week, a month, or all 100 days – we want to hear all about your experiences since January 1st!

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