…and the 30th of June.

We will be doing the CrossFit Total at the end of this month to see where we are at with the big 3 lifts (back squat, shoulder press, and deadlift).    For more information see this article:


There are a few things you can do to get the most out of this benchmark.  First, make sure you are tracking all of your lifts (and all WODs for that matter).

Second, we programmed some days this month to work on a heavy set of 3 for each of the big three lifts.  Try to make it to those classes (6/5/14, 6/16/14, 6/19/14).  Knowing what you can lift for a heavy set of 3 will help you determine where to start your attempts for the CrossFit Total.

Third and finally, make sure you are getting adequate sleep and nutrition to recover from and adapt to the heavy lifting.

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