Reminder that WOD & Wine is tonight at 8:00pm.
Please register up on-line.

Full Snatch

4 Rounds with a 3 minute clock:
20 Deadlifts
10 Shoulder to Overhead (same bar/weight as the deadlift)
With remaining time, as many reps as possible of Bar Over Burpees
Rest 2 minutes between rounds

We are going to finish off our week of focusing on major barbell lifts with some full/squat snatches for the Power portion and some Deadlifts and Shoulder to Overhead for the workout.

Full snatches first. Probably the most technically difficult movement we do at the gym. You’ll get to work on taking that ground from the ground and catching it in the bottom of that squat.

Then, the workout…

If you deadlifted yesterday, you know that good form and technique to strive for today during the workout. You will use one barbell/one weight for the entire workout. So you’ll have to pick your weights wisely. Heavy enough for the 20 deadlifts, but light enough to be able to get it overhead 10 times.

Recommended weight is 135/95 – about the weights you did for the workout Tuesday or Thursday if you were here either of those days.

We’ll set a clock to run for 3 minutes. Get through the reps as quickly as possible and the rest of that 3 you’ll do as many bar over burpees as you can. We’ll do this 4 times. Total number of burpees is your score today.

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