Fall is here and winter is just around the corner! We have a bunch of exciting stuff going on and a few announcements – please be sure to read through all of this to stay up to date.

Be sure to find our Shenanigans at CF Recursive Private Facebook Page and request access to join.

Halloween Happy Hour
We’d love to celebrate Halloween by dressing up and having a fun WOD and then hit the town afterwards. Who wants to join us?!?!? We are looking at either Friday, October 24th or Saturday, October 25th at 6:00pm. Vote on the Shenanigan’s Facebook Page or at the gym on the white board. We want to make sure enough people are interested and able to make it.

Bring a Friend to CrossFit Week
Sunday, October 26th through Saturday, November 1st is Bring a Friend to CrossFit Week! Every day, every class, you are welcomed to bring a friend, family member, co-worker, or neighbor to class with you. Classes will be structured to accommodate all levels that week. After the week is over, one lucky guest will win a Free Foundations Session and one lucky Member who brought a friend will win a free month of Unlimited Classes! (Please be sure to have your guests arrive 15 minutes early for their class to fill out waivers.)

Foundations Classes
Starting the first week of November we will have 2 sessions of Foundations Classes start. One will be Monday/Wednesday/Friday at 6:30pm for 2 weeks and the other will be Tuesday/Thursday at 6:30pm for 3 weeks.

We have them – lots of them! There are now cubbies for shoes and all your gear by the front door and the back door. There are also smaller cubbies for keys and cell phones (and the like) hanging above the water cooler. We’d like to try and keep the gym areas neat and picked up, so please use the cubbies to store all your stuff. Thanks!

Speaking of cubbies…with winter coming and the salt and sand and icky wetness that winter brings, just a reminder to please leave your street shoes by one of the doors (in the cubbies!) and bring a clean, dry pair of shoes to work out in. This helps us a ton with keeping the floors cleaner and the equipment nice to use (salt isn’t just bad for your car, it’s hard on the plates and bars too.)  And no one wants to work out in a cold wet puddle…

Coat Racks
Again, winter. Ugh. We are working on finding a spot to hang coat hooks to hang your coats on in winter. Look for those to be coming soon!

Coaches Internship 002
The Coaches Internship Program will be starting Wednesday, October 29th from 7:30am – 9:00am. The program is 12 weeks total, – we will meet once a week for 8 weeks for discussion and then the last 4 weeks are shadowing/co-coaching. Contact Dirk or Nikole if you are interested.

Olympic Lifting Technique Class
Starts Thursday, October 30th from 5:30pm – 6:30pm. Classes are 1 hour long once a week and will be lead by Nikole, who is a USA Weightlifting Level 1 Sport Performance Coach and also recently attended The Outlaw Barbell Camp for Olympic Lifting. Take some extra time to learn and really focus on the technique of the 2 Olympic Lifts – 4 weeks on the Snatch and then 4 weeks on the Clean and Jerk. (The class will focus on form and technique and we will do drills, but no actual workout in that class.)

Cost is $80 for Members and $160 for Non-Members for the 8 week session, register on-line. Class minimum of 4, maximum size of 18.

(We will still hold regular CrossFit Classes during that time, in the smaller room. Olympic Lifting Class will take the main floor with the Oly Platforms.)

Pilates is coming! Tentative schedule is Mondays at 5:30pm and Wednesdays at 10:00am starting the first week of November. You are invited to come to either or both classes each week.

Cost is $30/month for Members and $60/month for Non-Members for unlimited classes,  register on-line.

Holiday Schedule
It’s not too soon to start thinking about Thanksgiving! We will be closed Thanksgiving Day so everyone an enjoy time with their families. We will have one workout on Black Friday at 10:00am (it will be a Hero WOD, a very sucky one, so plan on more than an hour that day…) and then back to the regular schedule Saturday and Sunday.

Jon Gilson Visit
Jon Gilson, owner of Again Faster Equipment, will be in town and at CrossFit Recursive the weekend of December 6-7th. On Saturday at 1:00pm he will be giving a free 2 hour seminar for affiliate owners. The gym hours will change that day to accommodate his visit. He has also said he would be around to get in a workout with us all. As we get closer to that weekend we’ll post final details. We are very excited to have Jon in our gym!

Shower/Locker Rooms
We are trying very hard to get the shower/locker rooms completed. Thank you for your patience and understanding and cooperation and sharing of the showers while we finish these up.

Inspirational Quotes for the Walls
We’d like to get some inspirational quotes on the walls around the gym. Please let us know if you have any requests or suggestions.

6:30am Class
Just a friendly reminder to please register for the 6:30am class by 9:00pm the night before. If no one is signed up to attend class, we aren’t coming in that early – especially now that the cold, dark winter months are on the way.

Any other suggestions or improvements we can make – let us know!

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