The Lure of the Kip

Or: Should I walk before I learn to crawl? No, you shouldn’t.  Thank you for reading.  Stay tuned for our next exciting article! I wish it was this easy. I have more issues getting buy in from people on this than just about any other facet of CrossFit. I don’t...

You, Your Ego, and CrossFit

By Dirk Gessler You have overcome all of the barriers, you have persevered in the face of overwhelming odds, you have finally decided to try CrossFit. Congratulations! You are embarking on a life long adventure that will improve your physical and your mental well...

Building a CrossFit Community

By Dirk Gessler Other affiliates are not my competition. The idea of competition in business is a divisive issue among CrossFit Affiliates. Some insist that other Affiliates are not their competition. Others fight with each other tooth and nail for each client,...

Danny Broflex Pump Juice

After careful consideration and deliberation, we have decided to carry Stronger, Faster, Healthier (SFH) instead of Danny Broflex Pump Juice. I know the statistics are staggering and 95% of the surveys say that only 5% of the people using Danny Broflex Pump Juice...
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