If you are struggling with anxiety, know you are not alone! I struggle with it every single day. I have tried many things to deal with it, some worked and some didn’t. Some were healthier than others. A few were decidedly not healthy…

I have only found a few things that work consistently well though. The trick is that they only work when I make them a priority.

One of the most effective things I have found is making time for some healthy physical activity several times a week.

I would like to stress HEALTHY fitness choices though. Pounding out mile after mile every single day on the running trail can lead to repetitive stress injuries. Throwing around weights without a solid plan for hours a day can also run you right into trouble.

Find yourself some structured fitness routines created by qualified fitness professionals. The best workout in the world is the one that you will do! Just make sure you can stay healthy enough to keep doing it!

I believe that we need physical exertion more often in our lives than we regularly get in life now. Research is constantly discovering ways that our brain health is tied directly to physical activity. We need to make time for our health – especially our mental health!

Make the time, or anxiety will take it away from you!

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