Stress is a tricky beast that we can not get away from. It is an unfortunate, necessary part of our life. It is impossible to stay healthy without some amount of stress on your body. And we are well adapted to deal with stress on a daily basis…to a point.

However, most of us are subjected to massive amounts of stress every day. Some can be healthy. Too much though, and the systems designed to deal with stress are overloaded and shut down.

There are three main pillars that are necessary to effectively manage stress – sleep, nutrition, and physical fitness. Make these a priority in your life and you will live long and happy. Neglect any one of them and you might be able to scrape by. Neglect two of them and you will likely find yourself struggling. Neglect all three and you are in trouble. Maybe not today, but someday stress will catch up.

When it does, you might have to deal with nagging injuries, bad knees, a sore back, Type 2 Diabetes, ulcers, heart issues…the list goes on. The effect of unmanaged stress are felt throughout your body and brain – our physical and mental health will suffer.

Make these three points a part of your life. You will keep your health when you want it the most – as you age. Future You will appreciate it far more than Current You can comprehend!

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